Pyrenees Offroad Routes

Offroad driving in The Pyrenees

map web pyreneesGeneral information about the Pyrenees:

It is a truly magnificent region of spectacular mountains, high alpine meadows, pristine rivers and dense forests; spanning from the Bay of Biscay in the west to the Mediterranean Sea in the east creating a natural mountain border between France and Spain.

You can discover this region by 4x4, with quad or motorbikes.

Sightseeing: Historical villages matched with nature & animals like wolves, lynx, chamois, chevre, mouflon, marmots and also many birds of prey such as eagles, buzzards, kites, griffin vultures etc.

Security: We travel for more than 15 years regularly the Pyrenees, had never an incident or seen one or heard. Police presence is often at intersections or exits of cities (speed control).
Overnight: In the Pyrenees there are many different inns and hotels, the prices are in the medium price sector 50-80 Euro per Person. If you search the Internet more, also gets double rooms in hostels or on farms cheaper. The prices in Andorra are higher. A lot of campsites are on the way.
Travel time: We prefer the low season May & June and from late August to mid-October. July and August is definitely the best time but you have to expect bottlenecks in overnight stay.

Transport: Move In and around the cities, especially in Andorra there is a lot of traffic, is adding 20 kilometers outside a metropolis it is lonely, partly owned by a the road alone. If one is on a dirt road, then you meet few locals who go to their huts or weekend homes.

Eating and drinking: The Pyrennes is known for its proud artisan food production, as well as its interesting and modern interpretations of traditional dishes. Typical foods of the Pyrenees are for e.g: Verduras, setas (del bosque), trufas (Vegetables, truffles, and wild mushrooms from the forest, Pa amb tomàquet (Bread with an olive oil, garlic and tomato sauce on top), Calçots – (Specially cultivated onions, grilled and served as a "Calçotada", often eaten with a romesco sauce), Escudella, Putxero or Ollada (A thick soup, often made with vegetables, chickpeas, pasta and meat) and Desserts are the famous Crema Catalana, Peres de Lleida, Xuicos e.g.

Vehicles: On the way we have traveled the Pyrenees with various BMWs, KTM's, and with a Quadix Buggy 800th.



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