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Adventure Iceland (German Book) (Code: RF_ISLA1)

15 Daily Stages through Iceland (Adventure)
Attention: this book is in german language

Travel book with 15 daily stages through the Iceland.
A mix of light gravel roads and beautiful tarred roads.
Book in DIN A5 with spiral binding for the tank bag.
Solid cardboard for more stress.
Route overview, route sketches, detailed directions.
GPS tables in the book and overnight accommodation suggestions at the end of the day.

EBook ADV IslandIf you prefer the book in electronic form as an e-book (PDF file), please click here.
The e-book can be used on smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Additions SD-MicroSD-card Only for Garmin devices:
SD KarteAs an Option there is a SD and MicroSD card (4 Gigabyte) which contents all the GPS routes, waypoints and overlayroutes (no map).Only for Garmin and BMW Navigator4,5,6 devices.
Detailed informations about it click here
The Card can be reused after in a photo etc.


Additions Download GPS data as ZIP File from the Internet  
DownloadsAs an option to the book, there is the possibility to download the GPS data after purchase from the Internet. The book comes by post, the GPS data can be downloaded from the Internet.
Detailed information click here


Tourenapp Guibo

At the bottom of the page you can select the tour app as an option for Android or IOS (Mac) systems.
This app can be used offline to take MDMOT tours.
Can also be used as an additional emergency navigation system if the GPS fails or if you do not have a navigation system, you can use the tour APP.
Click here for detailed information hier klicken.


 Please select SD card, tour app or internet download below under add-ons.


Adds: (Select here please):
Price: 25.90 EUR
Incl. 7 % TAX plus shipping
Delivery time: 2-4 Day
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PS: Shipping cost are for 2 books, depending on weight, the shipping charge may increase.

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