22.00 EUR
Incl. 7 % TAX
plus shipping
13 off-road routes on Kreta as a travel guide. With the rental bike, rental 4x4 or quad you can discover the island. As a Supplement there is a CD (USB or SD-card) with GPS data from all 13 routes.
34.00 EUR
Incl. 7 % TAX
plus shipping
Delivery time:
2-4 Day
16 off-road routes on Peloponnese, as a travel guide. As a Supplement there is a CD (USB or SD-card) with GPS data from all 16 routes.
29.00 EUR
Incl. 7 % TAX
plus shipping
Offroadtravel through the Carphatians mountains in Romania (2 weeks). On tarred and gravel roads. Tourbook mit detailed route descriptions with sketch, overnithings and sights along the routes.