How to allow cookies

What are cookies?
Cookies are small files sent to your computer during a visit to the site. On further visits these data are sent back to the now known website.

You need cookies, so I can shop at

Cookies are automatically recognized by your visit. If your web browser is set up so that it does not allow cookies, it is not possible to place an order at Other features are not available, such as personal recommendations or saving items in the shopping cart for future purchase. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you set the web browser to allow cookies.
If you would like to find out more, please read the privacy policy.

Is there a security risk when my browser allows cookies?

No. Cookies are only small files that are not capable of performing operations on their own.

How can I change the cookies settings so I can shop at

The help function on the toolbar of your browser explains how to set the browser to accept cookies, to report new cookies, or to decline cookies.

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